this website is Agent Owned and Operated

A Few Questions before we begin, Are You:



to any of these, then you need the Real Estate Search Team &  you need to R.E.S.T.!!!!

Tired of looking at the same MLS listings?

Tired of Looking on all the different sites?

​Tired of posting on all the different sites?

Tired of holding open Houses & showing your property?

Tired of losing out on perfect properties?

Tired of trying to do it yourself? 

Let the Real Estate Search Team help you find:

  • Properties NOT in the MLS and ON the MLS
  • Market your property 
  • Search for your next family home
  • Investment property not listed
  • Investment property SFR/ Multi-Family/Apt. bldg
  • Lender​s​, Title/ Escrow Co, Property mgmt

Tired of looking for a place to rent, to live or invest in?​

Tired of not having enough time to look?​

​Tired of not finding what you are looking for?

Tired of dealing with "Garage sale Buyers"?
